Saturday, August 25, 2007

Three Things I Wish I Have Right Now

Category: Random Ramblings

Three Things I Wish I Have Right Now:

1) A Singing talent

I have dreamed to be a diva since I was a kid. I imagined that I was Celine Dion or Britney Spears singing their hearts out and being applauded by a great number of fans. I have thought about this idea all the time. I really longed for the their talent and their charisma every time they are on stage. It seems they have the magic of drawing their fans into them. Of course, that seems impossible so right now I have narrowed down my wish from being a diva to being just a person who knows how to sing. "Kahit na ano basta marunong lang kumanta puwede na yun", I told myself. You might be wondering why I am writing this down since I am supposed to write down a personality trait but I can't help but include this because I have been yearning this talent since I was a kid. I am a good dancer but singing is one of the things that I cannot do. It is one of my frustrations in life. But then again, nobody is perfect right? However, if I am given the chance to take up singing lessons again..I will. I want to join the singing searches someday. And better yet, I want to establish my own choir or singing group in a church and touch the hearts of the people by our wonderful melodies. That is one reason why I want this talent… I do not know if I can still acquire this since I am already an adult but I hope that someday I can help build a congregation. If not a singer, I'll be a pianist since I know how to play the piano.

2) A Sense of Humor

Humor is the mental faculty of discovering, expressing or appreciating ludicrous or absurdly incongruous elements in ideas or situations. It is something that we enjoy, and we derive amusement from it.

I wish I had more sense of humor. My mother always tells me to loosen up because I am very serious at times but I can't help it because I really have a serious personality. I told her I cannot change that easily. I try to joke sometimes but it doesn't always work. Only a few people laugh at my jokes which means I am not effective. However, my mother told me that taking serious things lightly can often give us a better sense of perspective. Laughing also releases pent-up emotional energy because it even relieves our stress and cure our illnesses. I told her I'll try to do so. Nevertheless, I sometimes envy other people who cracks jokes and laugh so easily. It looks as if they only take things nonchalantly. Also, according to my mother, it prevents headaches and forehead wrinkles from forming. Her advice?
  • Read or listen to humorous stories or books- I like reading Pugad Baboy and jokes in the Reader's Digest.
  • Try to remember a few jokes that you like and try telling them to your friends. - I am not very effective at this because I forget most of the jokes that I have heard. I am not good in remembering their jokes.
  • Avoid jokes that can hurt or offend other people. A lot of jokers tell jokes about facial abnormalities, sex jokes/green jokes and other jokes that make other people feel bad. However, I sometimes ask why do we laugh at other people's absurdities or mistakes. Why do other people's blunder amuses us? That, I do not know.
  • Learn to laugh at your own mistakes and blunders. Learn to laugh with others, enjoy and appreciate the things around you.
  • Take things lightly.

Whenever you have a problem or something is bothering you, do not sulk in your room and fret. Just pray and laugh and you will realize that the solution is just there around you.
And so, I promised my mother that I'll try to have a good sense of humor in the future.

3) Patience

It is the ability to: Sit back and wait for an expected outcome without experiencing anxiety, tension, or frustration. It is also a feeling of peace, contentment, and satisfaction that you are on the path to recovery and personal growth.

I must confess that I am an impatient person. I do not want to wait for a long time. When I am made to wait for a long duration, I feel tense and edgy. I even feel angry. This is one of the reasons why I dropped all my job applications two months ago. Well, I thought that I graduated from a good school with a good course so why am I being made to wait. When I graduated, I applied for jobs. After two months without phone calls of acceptance from my target companies, I got impatient, stopped applying for jobs and enrolled in Nursing. When I enrolled, phone calls just kept coming. This is my tremendous lesson of patience but I have no regrets whatsoever. I learned that by being impatient I:

  • Run the risk of always being dissatisfied, upset, and angry at myself for my slow pace of growth and change.
  • Become a member of the "throw away'' generation, discarding relationships, people, jobs, and school whenever things are not working out as quickly as I want them to.
  • Be in such a hurry that I neglect to count my blessings and see how far I have come.
    But how do I acquire or develop this positive virtue? Perhaps I should modify my spiritual perspective to include God as a guide on this journey. I should be ready and willing to face my challenges as my strive for personal growth. I should also live my life one day at a time and live my life to the fullest.

Written By: Lani Diana Santos

Date: 2005

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